Tons of skulls, tons of playable charactersSkul is no ordinary skeleton. It will keep you on your toes, as you will never know what to expect.

Side-Scrolling Platformer Action'Skul: The Hero Slayer' is an action-platformer that boasts rogue-like features such as everchanging and challenging maps. All of the demons in the castle were taken prisoner except for one lone skeleton named 'Skul'. They attacked the Demon stronghold with overwhelming numbers and succeeded in its total destruction. What makes this time different though, is that the Adventurers decided to join forces with the Imperial Army and the 'Hero of Caerleon' to lead a full onslaught in hopes of wiping out the Demons once and for all. The team finally settled on a PPU (pixels per unit) of 32 that applies across the game, with a Tilemap grid of 32 x 32 pixels per tile, where one tile equals one unit of in-game distance.The Demon King's Castle in RuinsThe human race attacking the Demon King's castle is nothing new and has happened countless times before. Eventually, we had to recreate all the visual resources.” “The reference resolution during preproduction turned out to be way too high for our needs, and we ended up with overly detailed graphic resources. When working with pixel art, it is important to keep the resolution of all assets consistent across the game, as the team realized at the beginning of development. It automatically makes all the calculations needed to scale the viewport with resolution changes. The 2D Pixel Perfect package, included with the 2D Renderer of the URP package or available via the Package Manager, features the Pixel Perfect Camera component, which ensures your pixel art remains crisp and clear at different resolutions, and can make motion, rotation and scaling of objects follow the pixel grid pattern.

SouthPAW Games used the latest Long-Term Support version – Unity 2019.4 LTS – to develop Skul, along with Universal Render Pipeline (URP) 8.10 for graphics.