That way, you can easily check on your boxes from time to time to make sure that they haven’t been impacted by moisture or bugs. Finally, be sure to store your corrugated boxes in a location that is easily accessible.Make sure to keep them away from flammable sources as well as high amounts of other flammable material so that they don’t act as additional tinder in the case of a spark. corrugated boxes are flammable, so you need to be very careful about where you put them to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. Be sure to avoid storing your corrugated boxes in a location that may have a higher risk for fire, such as an attic.Talk about a nasty situation! To prevent insect infestations, make sure that your boxes are completely clean and free of food remnants or crumbs that could attract all sorts of bugs. That’s because insects could infest corrugated boxes and use them as either nesting material or food. If you are aware of insect issues in a certain location, it’s best to avoid storing your boxes there.

Many people assume that they can just throw corrugated boxes or your subscription boxes in a random location and just forget about them. Read on with BoxGenie to learn everything you need to know about how to store all types of corrugated boxes in addition to recycling them and repurposing them. Do you have way too many cardboard boxes sitting around and taking up space? Join the club! Before you throw them out and let them go to waste, consider storing them for future use.